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Let's get this two points out of our minds and into the trash

Exercise is not a punishment for what you ate.

•Exercise doesn't mean you're fat.


In episode two of today's series, we'll be talking about exercise. Exercise is not for loosing weight alone and I'll want you to know that. When people pitch exercise to us most times, we assume that person is calling us fat or insinuating that our body is not okay the way it is making us get defensive.

My job is to give you the glow up you deserve and that includes a glow up mentally. So let's get into it.

Coming up....

Definition of exercise

Daily aerobic exercises for physical improvement.
Mental health exercise - (yoga)
Benefits of yoga
Why I do meditation?

What is exercise?

Exercise is a physical activity that is planned and structured for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body to promote mental and physical fitness.

Daily aerobic exercises and why you should participate in them...

Regular aerobic activity, such as walking, bicycling or even swimming, can help you live longer and healthier by staying in shape. Regular movement helps to quicken the body's metabolism too, meaning, more running, less calories. Need motivation? I set a vision board for exercise. It has all the types of exercises I do, Monday to Friday, and a words of encouragement. Get creative with it and add stickers and colours. I also have an app reminder and it's so good because, you have a set time to start and stop. On days when you just don't want to do it, it's okay. Take a breath, and chill. You can continue the next day but do not procrastinate. You can find whatever exercises suit you and for whatever specific needs too. It just takes a little research.

Why yoga?

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focused on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost mental wellbeing. It's not as intense as aerobic exercises but it does the job it's intended to do. I do yoga once I wakeup followed by a 10 minute meditation audio. This can greatly affect your day positively and loosen any tensed muscles or anxiety you have during the day.

Benefits of yoga....

Yoga helps decrease stress:

Yoga is known for its ability to ease stress and promote relaxation.When used alone or along with other methods of alleviating stress, such as meditation, yoga can be a powerful way to keep stress in check.

It can reduce anxiety:

Many people begin practicing yoga as a way to cope with feelings of anxiety. Interestingly enough, there is quite a bit of research showing that yoga can help reduce anxiety.

Could Improve Heart Health:

From pumping blood throughout the body to supplying tissues with important nutrients, the health of your heart is an essential component of overall health

Promotes healthy eating habits:

Mindful eating also known as intuitive eating, is a concept that encourages being present in the moment while eating.It’s about paying attention to the taste, smell and texture of your food.

Why do I meditate?

Meditation is a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. It has a wide number of benefits on psychological well-being. 

This goes hand in hand with yoga and it's not that out of the ordinary. They've been used as an alternative form of exercise to keep the body and mind, healthy and happy.

I'd recommend you do both.

Here are links to my favourite meditation audios:

Loving kindness meditation

Body scan meditation

(Bear with me, I have like 10 downloaded but couldn't find their links, nevertheless, these are my top two!)

Until next time, love and light, I hope you get physically and mentally fit.



Credits: (link)

All photos are from pexels

Posting schedule:

Every Monday


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